New Blog on the Block

Friday, February 17, 2012

My cat, Psipsini, just hopped onto our dining room table, where I'm currently high-jacking my husband's lap-top, as if she wants to pledge her trust and approval for my newest endeavor, this blog. Off course being true to herself she just stood looking at me for a couple of seconds and then occupied herself with the more important things in life i.e. licking her paw and other unmentionable - at least in this first post - parts of her black xtra fluffy body.

I am not a writer. In fact I hate writing, I love talking, though, I can talk and talk and talk and talk and get the picture. This "hate writing" phase has been going on for years. I tried seriously to overcome it. I even talk about it with my therapist but no...i just hate writing! Having said all that, there must be something wrong with me starting a blog where I actually have to write stuff, right? I don't know the answer to this...only time will tell for sure.

Another thing I have to say up front is that I am not a native English speaker. Some of you might have already figured it out. My native tongue is Greek, but I have spent almost two decades of my life living abroad and communicating in English with both native and non-native speakers. So, please accept my apologies in advance if you find me butchering this wonderful and very expressive language.

"So why have you started this blog?" you're going to ask. Because I had to...Yes, that's right I had to. I was cooking in my small kitchen and I just got this irrepressible urge to start a blog. I was just about to cut into the pumpkin when I left the knife down, logged into and started thinking about a name (more on that later...) and voila I've got my own blog. Now, what I'm gonna write about here is another question...For sure there's going to be food, lots of food, and wine, oh my God I love wine, and books and photographs and well I don't know, whatever comes to my mind.   

There you have it...My first blog post! and I haven't even figured out what to write for my profile..