French Fridays with Dorie: Top Secret Chocolate Mousse

Friday, November 9, 2012

Have you ever had an Aero chocolate bar from Nestle? Yes, the one that's full of tiny air bubbles? That's the image that came to me the moment I tasted this Chocolate Mousse. I don't want to sound rude, comparing Dorie's "Top Secret Chocolate Mousse" recipe with a mere mass produced chocolate bar, but this is the fluffiest mousse I've ever made! 
Off course, the meringue did the trick and even though mine slightly separated (I blame the tiny drop of water that went into the mixer while I was washing my hands and my huge stage fright cooking in front of my mother in law, in her kitchen non the less) the mousse came out quite presentable and exquisitely ... yummy! 
I mean, you cannot go wrong with the taste of this mousse! As long as you use good quality dark chocolate and fresh eggs you are going to end up with a luscious yet light mousse. I went with Dorie's "original" recipe and made no extra additions... chocolate and egg yolks, egg whites with a pinch of salt and a little bit of sugar...simple and delicious!!

To see how other bloggers liked Top Secret Chocolate Mousse check out the French Fridays with Dorie website where every Friday we make recipes from Dorie Greenspan's book "Around My French Table"


  1. No better dessert than a well-made chocolate mousse!! and talking about stage fright...i get it all time..if i have someone standing nexxt to me while i'm cooking!! cooking in front of the mother-in-law and in her kitchen.. Bravo!! ;)

    1. Oh yes! I agree about the mousse!! As for my "special audience", she was not that bad, bless her, she cheered me on when I finished the mousse and actually picked the photos I put in the post :)

  2. I get very nervous when anyone is watching me cook, so I can certainly understand that!

    Beatuifully done.

    1. Thanks Cher! I also get nervous! I guess I will never be a famous TV Chef lol :)

  3. what a great job! it's hard to cook and feel confident when people are watching you and you aren't in your own kitchen!

    1. Thanks Alice!! Not being in my own kitchen that is the hardest part of all! But I have to get used to it because this is where I will be cooking (trying to, at least) for the next 6 months...

  4. Cooking in your mother in laws kitchen with her watching can be intimidating! I just realized I am a mother in law and my daughter in law has cooked in my kitchen. I hope I didn't intimidate her!!! Love your pics!

    1. Oh Guyla I am sure you haven't because you realise and feel how difficult it is so don't worry :) :)

  5. I’m not crazy about people watching me cook either! Your mousse looks wonderfully delicious…and it was so easy to make! We loved it! Lovely photos! Have a great weekend, Maria!

    1. Thanks Kathy! It was easy and really delicious, everyone enjoyed it!!

  6. Nice to find your blog, you had me at using a pink polka dot napkin under your chocolate mousse, oh and love the cherry too ;-)

    1. Thank you Patty! I have the same napkin in different colours LOL they will definitely be featured in other photographs :) :)

  7. Brave! I made something in my mother-in-law's kitchen once and I was a complete wreck! Never again!

    1. I know Rose, I actually dropped an egg, before I started the mousse, and it messed up the kitchen floor. But she was a good sport and told me not to worry about it and let me use her Kenwood Kitchen Machine to make the egg whites so I think all is well :)

  8. Maria, picture perfect presentation of your delicious looking Mousse au Chocolat! So nicely done. Hope your move to Athens went as smoothly as resonably possible!
    P.S.: You did mention in July that your husband cannot eat eggs - I am just curious, did you prepare a dairy-free version of this Mousse as well.

    1. ...or rather an egg free version...would be nice to know because I know a lot of lovely peolpe who suffer from allergies, including allergies to eggs.

    2. As you say Andrea...smoothly as reasonably done but there was nothing reasonable about a week full of strikes...anyway... Yes my husband has an egg intolerance but he is not here with me so I am free not to be egg-free!!! If you want a vegan alternative to the chocolate mousse you can use avocado and cocoa powder (or chocolate) I have posted a recipe here on my blog It was one of my first posts so please be lenient on me :) :)

  9. Your mousse looks amazing - and to be so light!!! Mine was decidedly not so light! At least my guests enjoyed it. Wonderful when something comes together so beautifully when you are under pressure. Well done!

    1. Yup at the end it is all about the guests and the in-laws isn't it! And we both came through with flying colours! Hooray for the both of us!!! :)

  10. Mmmm the mousse looks delicious Maria! I've not tried making it with fresh eggs before, but these look so good that I hope to try it soon, yum!

    1. It is very easy Jasline and it doesn't really take a lot of time 15 minutes tops! As long as you have fresh or, even better, organic eggs go for it!!!

  11. Great looking mousse, and cute little cherry!

    1. Thanks! It was actually by accident that it stayed like that!!!

  12. The mousse looks scrumptious and so cute with the hanging cherry on the side. We enjoyed this and I will
    certainly give it another go around.

    1. Thanks Nana! It was so that I'm thinking about it maybe I will go to the kitchen and make another batch!!!!

  13. Hi Maria,
    Your chocolate mousse looks so delicious and smooth! The kids would really love this!
    Have a great weekend!

  14. Maria, I can totally understand being nervous cooking in front of your mother-in-law. I love the cherry decorating your mousse. Looks delicious.

  15. Hi Maria,

    I like your description of your fluffy chocolate mousse comparing to Aero chocolate. There must be lots of air bubbles in your mousse... :D


  16. Oh yes please, I would like some mousse, yummy! Can't wait to try!

  17. You did a great job cooking in front of your mother-in-law! Your mousse looks delicious. Love the dangling cherry!

  18. What a great picture!
    I love Aero! But sadly mine turned out like thick mud!
    I'm very impressed with your success!

  19. Love that photo! (And a must try recipe because it's just so simple:)

    You've been tagged with the Beautiful Blogger Award!

  20. Congratulations for making a real winner in a strange kitchen and under the watchful (but, I know, very kind) eye of your mother-on-law. Still is intimidating, isn't it? Your mousse does look delciious but the best part is that darling stemmed cherry hanging off the goblet. Very nice.

  21. Glad your mousse turned out so well. It looks fab!


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